Thursday, February 19, 2009

Noritaenopsis I-Hsin Sun Beauty and P.Montclair Valentine

Noritaenopsis I-Hsin Sun Beauty(below) and Palaenopsis Montclair Valentine(above)


  1. ha, montclair valentine. the closest i could get. the flower was almost in perfect condition.

  2. Thanks for naming the orchids. Now I know my favourite orchid has an elegant name,"Montclair Valentine", under the family of Phalaenopsis. I love this orchid and have taken quite a few photographs with them when I was in Japan. They seems to grow very well in the mountain area, their petals are larger than those here.

  3. the phaleanopsis are very long lasting, 3 to 4 months. very cool.

  4. The rounded petals look extra friendly to me!
